What's a Greenline Agate Eater Diamond Blade And How to Replace Its Segments?


Greenline agate eater diamond blade

is our top selling blade. Although it has a longer break in period than other blades, it is very durable and great for hard materials.

It is popular among lapidary clubs because beginners have a hard time damaging it.


Here's a video of Highland Park Lapidary CEO John Rowland, where he gives you an overview of the Greenline agate eater diamond blade. 


Highland Park Agate Eater Blade Overview


The good thing about this blade is that it can easily and readily be repaired if it gets damaged from a moving rock or a saw crash.

Highland Park Lapidary GM Sherman Rowland shows you in this video how to replace its blade segments.  

How to Replace Greenline Agate Eater Diamond Blade Segments